Fees for services


I offer confidential treatment to adults and professional consultations to psychotherapists.

As a Private Practice Psychologist, I am highly specialized in my professional areas of practice.

I devote my time to my clients and their needs.

Fees reflect self-payment for professional services and may change without notice here.

Session Fees:

Ongoing sessions (45-minutes): $180/session

Initial assessment session, 60-minute consultations: $240/session

Consultation Groups: (Minimum 3 members, maximum 8 members; contact me for details and fees)


In my view and that of many therapists, insurance plans impose restrictions that impact the therapeutic relationship. A primary provision of all insurance plans is that the individual understands that their records are not fully private. This is one of the many stipulations that subscribers must agree to when receiving insurance.

In any agreement, there are up sides and down sides. You have a right to know all sides, including the problems from another perspective (remember that seeing things from another perspective—honesty—is a part of the therapeutic relationship).


All insurance plans and most third-party payor sources require a diagnosis to allow payment of services. Plans have the right to review the patient’s full, complete record for which they are paying. If you elect to use your insurance plan to pay for any services, whether the provider is in the insurance network or out of network, you consent that records may be released to the insurance company. Unfortunately, a treatment provider cannot guarantee confidentiality when a record leaves the office, for any reason.

Often patients do not know that their records may be given to unknown reviewers. They may not understand that a diagnosis must be made. This may create confusion or feelings of betrayal when a company contacts a patient and tells them that the “disorder” diagnosed by their therapist is not covered.

Insurance plans may also deny claims, often for unknown reasons. This leaves the patient responsible for the fees. All too often individuals are just getting into important work, and then they must decrease or discontinue their sessions due to insurance restrictions.

ALL of these types of issues impact the therapeutic relationship. These intrusions are unnecessary, in my view. They take time and energy that is better spent in the healing process. They require people to be be labeled and classified as “ill” just for living their lives and facing it’s challenges.

I would not feel honest in my practice if I did not make potential clients aware of these issues.

For these reasons, I am not in-network with insurance plans. I advise clients to understand what their plans require for the tradeoff of signing away their rights to full privacy. Then with full understanding of those restrictions, we can go forward to decide what is best for you.


  • I do not participate in insurance panels where session frequency and length are dictated.

  • I do not discuss my clients’ personal lives or spend time with plan managers looking to limit access to benefits.

  • And I do not over book my clients, cram my days full, or spend valuable therapy time justifying why I do what I do.

I believe in the power of each individual to make important and lasting changes in their life, no matter their age or background.

I believe that when an individual is ready to invest in themselves, to learn about their inner world, to make a commitment for change in their personal or professional life, they DESERVE to have a therapist or consultant who is available and ready to go on the journey.

I have seen important changes take place when an individual invests in themselves. I have experienced this growth myself.

I DO take the time to get to know each person, to listen to what matters in their life, and to be there, in the room or on the screen, ready to witness and explore the personal growth that is available to all of us, through psychoanalytic treatment and professional consultations.


My policy is that fees are paid on or before the day of service. I will discuss with you before our first session how to pay session fees.

If you decide to use an insurance plan’s “out of network” benefits:

  • I provide a claim form that includes a diagnostic code and other information to you.

  • You submit the claim to the insurance plan who then reimburses the fees to you, at their rate.

  • You will need to fully understand if your insurance pays any benefits for any type of service, including psychotherapy.

  • It is important to know that a claim may be denied. Due to the variety and complexity if insurance plans, I cannot possibly know what any plan will cover.

  • If you go this route, I advise that you contact the plan and read all information that you obtained about the insurance. This is not something my office can do.

Due to these types of problems with insurance and the consumer’s right to know, the U.S. Congress passed and a bill into law in January of 2022 called the No Surprises Act. That law requires that I inform you of my practices regarding fees and payments, listed above. The act requires that clients sign a consent form that indicates understanding and agreement to fees for services.

If you’ve read this far, thanks for your interest. Contact me to discuss your situation and to get started.